To Our Valued Customers; 3/24/20
We have been identified by the state as an essential business. Our goal is to continue to service our community throughout this pandemic until otherwise notified. We are making changes to minimize exposure to the coronavirus for the safety of our customers, employees, and community with the following measures starting Wednesday 3/25/20.
- There will be no admittance into the retail store, or warehouses by non-employee individuals.
- Our hours of operation will remain the same until further notice.
- All purchases will need to be placed via phone, email, or text message in advance of pick up. You will be notified via the same communication method as to when the order is complete and ready for pick-up.
- All orders placed will need to be paid for in advance via credit card, or can be placed on your store charge account here with us. No cash or coins will be accepted at this time. Checks will be accepted for charge account payments via mail, but not for singular non-account transactions.
- Upon arrival here at Tedford’s, please call with your cell phone to inform us that you have arrived and a staff member will bring your order out with your receipt from the store to your vehicle.
- If you do not own a cell phone, please come to the front door upon arrival and a staff member will speak with you to locate your order, and bring it to your vehicle with receipt.
- If you have ordered material from the yard, again please call (Preferred) or come to the front door upon arrival. We will then bring your store purchase to you, if you placed one, and have a yard staff member locate your material and load it in your vehicle. Please stay in your vehicle until loaded. You will be responsible for securing your load.
- Delivery of building materials will be handled as they have in the past. Place your order, and we will schedule with you and deliver. While on your site, our drivers are asked to keep a distance of 6’ from any customer, so please be conscious of this when they arrive.
Our pipeline of inventory has not been disrupted, outside of the demand on cleaning supplies, and toilet paper, in which all retail operations are affected by this shortage. We are in line with orders to our wholesalers to have this product shipped as soon as it becomes available.
We appreciate your patience during this trying time, and if we can offer any further information, please contact us.
Tedford’s Management Team
Phone – 978.356.4387 / Email –